Ep. 71: Summer reading and gardening with 'Garden Variety' author and Gardenerd founder Christy Wilhelmi
“I was behind the desk, but my heart was really in the garden. So I tried to work as little as possible so that I could spend every free moment tending my garden.”
Curious about gardening and growing your own food in small spaces? Or how someone published THREE books in three years!!? Join me as Gardenerd founder and debut novelist Christy Wilhelmi shares how she pivoted from a desk job to following her passion for gardening and writing. Christy spills the dirt on composting, growing your own food, and how she wrote her book’s love interest with Dev Patel in mind on this latest episode!
Listen now on your favorite podcast app, Spotify or iTunes and please take a second to rate us wherever you’re listening so the voices of these inspiring women can be heard all over the world!
Photo: Inga Ornelas
Get yourself a copy of her new novel Garden Variety here
Visit the Gardenerd Test Garden through Healing Gardens
Black Flora: Profiles of Inspiring Black Flower Farmers + Florists by Teresa Speight
Now is the Time for Trees by Dan Lambe of the Arbor Day Foundation
Christy’s cucumber seed pick: Poona kheera!
Her current fave heirloom tomato varieties: Jaune Flamme and Azoychka
Questions? Comments? Get in touch @theindianeditpodcast on Instagram !
Special thanks to Varun Dhabe and the team @ Boon Castle / Flying Carpet Productions for audio post-production engineering!